
Lyrical Wordsmith
Read the Bible in 160+ languages and 800+ versions with Audio.
Stand for the Flag kneel for the Cross Maranatha Jesus is the knocking at the Door Answer!
Mostly unhappy person. I ❀ LeBron James! Go Suns! I realize its a bit of a dichotomy - oh well 🀣
Feeding the Flock is an online ministry that delivers content such as; archeological discoveries that support the biblical narrative, testimonies of followers of Christ, true science backed by the Bible, Christian music videos, videos and writings from Christian authors to help in today’s world. What you will not see is; political agendas, government conspiracies or controversies, topics related to covid, pre or mid tribulation rapture supporting, various denominational teachings, the talk of war and rumors of war, or anything else that distracts from the gospel or creates a mindset of fear for those that seek Christ.
The Valpey Clan on Minds My daughter and I co author this profile. We like to talk nerd stuff, politics and guns. We also post gaming videos, family activities and art. We are by most accounts about liberty and free speech, completely against censorship beyond calls for violence. Check out the YT channel at Valpeys Gaming and the twitch channel at Bakerthelo13110
Tech, Memes & crypto
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My mission is to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth by the power of His spirit that is at work in me.
Aug 2019
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