
Something to look at, listen to and think about. A bit of everything. I try too be optimistic. It's never as bad as it seems, but sometimes all you can do is to sit down and have cup of tea. I love tea. Especially Pu-Erh and Earl Grey(, hot) Have a good day! Download some of my photos for free: https://unsplash.com/@positeavely PS. English is not my native language. If you see some typos that means I was writing when tired :P
Welcome to Rabbit's channel! Vietnamese Food is Everything!!! Not only posting nice pictures about traditional food, I will soon create blogs for sharing Vietnamese cuisine recipes! Please be patienttttt :D Many thanks for your support!
Curious of everything. A noob trying to live the FOSS life. GNU/Linux, privacy & old tech. Love my pets, food, music, art, knowledge ...✨ Multiuniverse of ideas✨... ♥ Mens sana in corpore sano ♥ >>>(Amateur photography, all mine)>>> Peace ✨ ✨Special Thanks✨ @peninsolar @LibertyApptivist @GenXpat @onecrazychief @mizantroop @Shannon222 @sleepingcowboy @lilysross @AutonomousFamily @rosesandnas @fredovaldobuenvinagre @Galzu19 🙏
Shot (mostly) on an iPhone 😊
Welcome you all to my little world :). I am (and should not be): 1. Full-time "dreamer" (I mean, 24/7, regardless of being asleep or awake). 2. Creative writer (mostly Vietnamese, some bits of writing in English). 3. Spontaneous photo-taker. 4. Amateur painter (rarely). 5. And I always get out of the house with earphones mode-on (like always). Thank you all for supporting, especially: - @KatmirStone - @TheronH - @r3k4b - @Where_I_Stand - @joepeeer - @RVCSongster - @xander - @chesschats
Husband to 1, Father of 5, U.S. Army combat veteran, libertarian, and Modern Patriot passionate about political science/philosophy, internet freedom, and extending the boundaries of human potential. Favorite Meme/Quote: Question: Remind me... how many AR's did Jesus own? Answer: Not enough to avoid being murdered by the government. Ultimate Goal: To explore the boundaries of what's possible by expanding the horizons of what's known. It's impossible to do this when big tech. (Google, Facebook, etc.) Have a monopoly on the worlds information and how it's disseminated. So long as, they determine what information gets shared, how it's shared, and who gets to see it... ...the truth becomes whatever they want it to be. As the old adage goes... "knowledge is power." This is why we MUST declare Digital Independence: https://larrysanger.org/2019/06/declaration-of-digital-independence/ With this said, "knowing" is still only "half the battle." We must declare Digital Independence and leave the tyranny of the big tech. matrix, not just in "theory," but in action. It must affect the services we use from day to day. No Google products... NONE! Yes Google owns YouTube 😣 No Facebook... PERIOD. Yes Facebook owns Instagram 😭 Yes, you stop using Gmail and create a ProtonMail account: https://protonmail.com/signup Yes, you stop "Googling" things and use Duck, Duck, Go: https://duckduckgo.com/ Don't think you can live without Google?https://spreadprivacy.com/how-to-remove-google/ Most importantly, "sharing" is still a form of "caring" (unless it's an STD or communicable disease, of some sort) for others. Encourage your friends/family to use the growing list of 3rd party providers that respect our right to privacy, and aren't trying to monetize our information, or even worse... weaponize it against us!
Gardener, Knitter
Voluntaryist, anti-war, Humanist ex-Christian who is tired of being told what to think. I use this to post funny memes about religion along with thoughts I have about religion and the ideas surrounding it. I am not overly concerned with how many viewers I have or how many likes each post gets. What I want from this channel is to articulate my thought about religion and groups like it, and in the process help people who, like me, were trapped in a closed circle of thought and dogmatized to, regardless of the source. I am not interested in and will not tolerate: threats, preaching, spam, MLM scams, anything about Deh Joos, etc. If I see it, I will block you. Whether from a religion, a government, an abusive parent/spouse or just from the absurdity of life, I hope you find something here that will spur you to improve as a person and overcome whatever has been holding you back. For what little it may be worth, I choose to believe that you can improve and move forward if you have a mind to do so.
Amateur Photographer, all photos are mine. #Lightbender360Photography Completely self taught. I found out early that most Photographers are not willing to give you tips and pointers. U tube became my teacher as I searched for how to's etc... I do use Lightroom to fine tune since I shoot exclusively in RAW format. I also use Photoshop to clean up my photos from trash that i didn't see before the shot. I currently have a Canon 5D Mark lll that I love. Im glad you stopped in to take a look. I do have a website where everything is for sale. It"s larry-mcmahon.pixels.com Do stop by there too as there are many of my photos there that might not get uploaded to Minds. Thanks to all who vote up, remind and, subscribe. It means a lot.
Jun 2019
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