
location_onTennessee, United States
yes, I'm a biological entity...
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The CURE Conversation with These celestial influences provide opportunities for personal growth, innovative problem-solving, and a deeper connection with others. Embrace the dynamic energies and chart your course through the cosmos with openness and flexibility. Get your monthly insights
Author of gritty, gory, action-packed, based stories Hot Dose of Hell - Violent Ends -
"A great inner revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and, further, will cause a change in the destiny of humankind." Daisaku Ikeda Can one person's spiritual journey help make the world a better place?
I thought it might be useful to bring more risk management concepts into our day to day lives. - Patrick
Truth is the Light in the darkness. Christian-Single-Father-Army-Patriot..Pure Blood🩸... For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
"The Abrahamic Are Our Misfortune" Peaceful Secessionist Lovecraft Conservative Against Time Forest Wanderer
Ideas, Commonsense, Outside of the box thinking, Truth, Facts, Opinion Government Is Nothing Less Than A Burden Established By Evil Men In Order To Hold Power Over & Control Others. The Only Good Government Is An Established Government Set Forth By God. Swearing Oaths Is As Evil As Lying. There is No Such Thing As A Good Lie. I Believe That All Of Mankind Need to Look At Nature In Order to Regain Their Commonsense. There are No Gay Animals. Only One Animal In All Of Creation Can choose it's Gender But Once Chosen It's Stuck With That Gender & Guess What, It's Not A Mammalian... Homosexuality Is a Perversion & An Abomination. Sex Was Meant To Be Between a Man & Woman For Procreation, To bring such a Union Closer & to sate physical desires. It was never meant to be used in a Faggoty/Queer Lustful Manner, That morons pretend is love. Furthermore Two Flesh Becoming One is literally defined as making a baby. Gays Can Never Obey such a rule in regards to a union. Weapons & Gun Rights In regards to self defense is an absolute as it is also found to be a right in Nature. Every Animal will defend it's Offspring, Pack, & Self by whatever means it can. I do not care if that scares you, lock yourself up in a padded Room! Get A Life & Grow Up The Earth Is Not A Ball & We are not floating In an Infinite Vacuum Contrary to what you pretend to be true. God Is Still In Control. Trump, Biden, All Politicians, & Government Agencies Killed Your Friends, Family, & Loved Ones With a Genocidal Genetic Manipulative Shot. Lastly, I watch as many folks bow at the alter of Government thinking it is a means to an end. You who believe that have a right to be brainwashed but you obviously do not understand that it did not take 200 years for the founders to lose their Shit & hang or Shoot The criminals of The King. Freemasonry was just another tool used to enslave you. God intended for you to have a home, Land to till & produce from. He intended for you to have a home that man nor Government could or would ever take. He intended for you to be defined as family to one another not be identified by your sexual perversions. He made them Both Male & Female & some who were born differently were meant as such for a purpose & most preachers do not even address this from the Bible. The world is going to hell because the blind & evil are leading the willfully Ignorant. Better wake up Folks Government is here to enslave, steal from, & kill you, not save you.
Tennessee, United States
Jan 2021
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