
Music is the language of the heart and soul, of life itself and the human experience, Sharing those experiences and journeys through her music is what Pamela aspires to. She brings you a sense of connectedness and blatant observation with thoughtful lyrics and smoky, soulful vocals reminicent of Janis Joplin meets Stevie Nicks meets P.J. Harvey and storytelling that runs heavy on murder ballads and social commentaries. Her voice and these songs will haunt you long after you hear them.
Minds Founding Member 2017 S'hauni Waterdragon Retired, Living the Dream, Writing the Great American Pagan Novel #DoNotDisturb I have #DragonEnergy I DECLARE WORLD PEACE #IDWP Sweet Waterdragon Banana Muffinettes DO NOT MEDDLE IN THE AFFAIRS OF DRAGONS BECAUSE ITS RUDE THEY HAVE STUFF GOING ON ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS
We are Us. Maestro's Explorers Creators Time travellers Stay with Us. Life is all around Us.
just a person who's interested in stuff. bitcoin, art, and language especially. and memes.
I believe in unifying all beings into alignment with unconditional love for everything. I believe in creating new systems that provide for our people and i choose to act in a way that empowers all sovereign beings into freedom. How may i support you into higher levels of sovereignty? I invite you to learn more about a global network of micro-nations and sovereign beings, the Tribe of Awakening Sovereignty
Tired of our day to day lives being destroyed by overpaid corporate kiss asses with no respect for our way of life.
The only thing I know is nothing.
I am Ignatius Bijoy Gomes, a very ordinary person. I have been working as a Graphics Designer in a corporate company for 9 years. I have become accustomed to being online at the job gap. So I want to do something online. I need to increase my income. Help is most desirable in this regard. Living life on my own terms. I’m not perfect but stories are sometimes better with a touch of imperfection Barisal is My home District, my village name is Padrishibpur, is a beautiful place for mine
Musician, Spiritualist, here for truth and to wake those with the light in their eyes
Live painter on the west coast
Nov 2015
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