
Curious net-mariner
Helpful Hint. Hello, Best way to get a Subscribe back from me is to comment on one of my posts. BTW, If you down vote ANY of my posts, I will BLOCK you. If you're offended, better that you block me first :) Thank you... I know troubleshooting yourself in the foot and acting as center of your own universe is a tricky dichotomy to deal with but, yes, you ARE the center of the universe. If you weren't you wouldn't be here. So as the middle of space and everything floating in it it is your job to know that the emptiness is just emptiness, that the stars are stars, and that the flying rocks – fuckin' hurt, so please stop inviting walls into wide open spaces.
Stephen Harris The Old Testament prophets stood alone against a world of darkness – and they prevailed. I seek to follow in their tradition. I aspire to prophet potential. is an Unbiased Community Catalog of 40K+ "Limited State"/Censored and Deleted YouTube videos: "we show what they hide" #FreeSpeech Send channels to monitor!
"If you don't believe it or don't get it, I don't have the time to try to convince you, sorry." -Satoshi Nakamoto __________________________________ "See, according to Cocteau's plan, I'm the enemy. Cause I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I'm the kind if guy who wants to sit in a greasy spoon and think, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol. I want to eat bacon, butter and buckets of cheese, okay? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in a non-smoking section. I wanna run through the streets naked with green Jello all over my body reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to. Okay, pal? I've seen the future, you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sittin' around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake singing "I'm an Oscar-Meyer Wiener" -Edgar Friendly
just a guy trying out Generation: not sure Born 1987 Sex: Male Location: DK Ancestry: Nordic
An incredibly random guy who's trying to do some good in this World! Former Combat Medic (Army) and PMC, now an Aerospace Engineer who cannot stand virtue signalling celebs. Heavily engaged with my own efforts in Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Projects focused on promoting/supporting education, science, debate, engineering as well as Women in STEM. My outlook on life is this. We've all got problems, you, me everyone has something going on in our life. Treat me with respect and I will treat you the same way. I'm willing to discuss the difference of ideas, I'd rather discuss our difference over a brew than knock seven shades of shite out of each other, We've all got more in common than not. I don't care for what's in your bank account or what job you have, I am more interested in who you are and how you treat others. Life can be hellish at times. I am just a guy doing his own thing and trying to do some good in this life.
#blog #following #repost #boost #subcribe #like #likeforlike _______________________ My blog in Russia language ------------------------------------- ____________________________________ Whatsaround this is new Instagram. But only here for the photo you can get money or cryptocurrency #crypto #minds #blockchain #ETH #BTC #photography #Instagram #blog #world Download the app ____________________________________ ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ ____________________________________
☕🎨 Artiste 3D Québécois | Tutos | Libre & Open-Source Geek 🤓 🚀Suivez-moi! #b3d #UE4 #UE5 #3dartist #linux 📥 DM pour me contacter!
independent journalist , ARTIST, online personality, free speech advocate, human rights advocate,
Oct 2019
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