Николай Прохоров

Либертарианец. Россия. Санкт-Петербург.
The official Minds.com page of The Libertarian Party UK. 'The Peoples' Party - Libertarianism is a political and philosophical ideology based upon the principles of self ownership and self-responsibility. It posits that all individuals have the right to control their own lives, bodies, and property acquired by honest means. Further, each individual must also respect the equal rights of others. The Libertarian Party UK, BM LPUK, London, WC1N 3XX Tel: 0208 088 8121 Registered with the Electoral Commission RP 2517848 (GB) https://libertarianpartyuk.com/
Discover how reason, rational self-interest and laissez-faire capitalism can make a positive impact on our world. https://www.youtube.com/user/AynRandInstitute
The Foundation for Economic Education: Building a more free and prosperous world since 1946, hosting life-changing seminars since 1956.
Are you tired of government always getting bigger? Do you feel like the only person around who just wants to be free? You are not alone! The Free State Project is gathering liberty-minded people from all walks of life. Do you want Liberty in Your Lifetime? Discover the FSP today: https://www.FSP.org/Join UPDATE: The Official FSP Facebook group has grown to 9,000+ members. Now, we invite you to join and grow the newly-formed, Official FSP Minds group: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/989179155015512064/feed
Jan 2021
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