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It almost feels to me like Minds doesn't give a crap that a good chunk of Minds user content is being blocked not only by the Android app on the Google playstore, but from the iOS app on the Apple store as well. We expect as much from the extremely proprietary Apple Corp, and...See more

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Panthers, (aka cougars, puma's, mountain lions, and leopards), can be found in rainforests, swamps, savannas, mountains and even deserts. They are solitary felines meeting only during mating season, and after three months of pregnancy, females give birth to 2-4 babies, for which she tends to on her own. At age of 2-3 months, cubs learn how to hunt from their mother, and in only nine months, cubs can catch medium-sized prey. With large and strong paws and sharp claws, panthers hunt everything from birds and reptiles to large mammals. At 7-8 feet in length, and weighing in at ~100-250 pounds, sporting excellent eyesight and a extremely keen sense of hearing, these are truly one of the most magnificent hunters on earth. They are also the strongest tree climbers in the cat world, and can leap up to 20 feet. .................................................................................................................................................................... #science #biology #nature #animals #education

Is the 32-bit architecture becoming obsolete? You might think so, as many distros are dropping it from their projects....this time, its Linux Mint. Linux Mint has confirmed plans to drop support for 32-bit release in the near future, news that will shock precisely no-one. Only...See more

About 13 billion years ago, when our universe was still just a scrappy startup, the cosmos hit a creative streak and churned out supermassive black holes left, right and center. Astronomers can still sneak a peek at these relics of the early universe when they look at quasars,...See more

More from Luculent

Panthers, (aka cougars, puma's, mountain lions, and leopards), can be found in rainforests, swamps, savannas, mountains and even deserts. They are solitary felines meeting only during mating season, and after three months of pregnancy, females give birth to 2-4 babies, for which she tends to on her own. At age of 2-3 months, cubs learn how to hunt from their mother, and in only nine months, cubs can catch medium-sized prey. With large and strong paws and sharp claws, panthers hunt everything from birds and reptiles to large mammals. At 7-8 feet in length, and weighing in at ~100-250 pounds, sporting excellent eyesight and a extremely keen sense of hearing, these are truly one of the most magnificent hunters on earth. They are also the strongest tree climbers in the cat world, and can leap up to 20 feet. .................................................................................................................................................................... #science #biology #nature #animals #education

Is the 32-bit architecture becoming obsolete? You might think so, as many distros are dropping it from their projects....this time, its Linux Mint. Linux Mint has confirmed plans to drop support for 32-bit release in the near future, news that will shock precisely no-one. Only...See more

About 13 billion years ago, when our universe was still just a scrappy startup, the cosmos hit a creative streak and churned out supermassive black holes left, right and center. Astronomers can still sneak a peek at these relics of the early universe when they look at quasars,...See more