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"The Other Side of Vaccines" will be released on July 16 on Amazon. Pre orders for the ebook are open now. Wide release, so will go to Bookdepository after a few weeks. If you order on Amazon, use smile.amazon.com and choose Physicians for Informed Consent as your preferred charity. It won't cost you any extra. Yes, Amazon has censored some antivaccine content, but not this book. "It covers a huge amount of info (it has over 1400 references), and includes a) how vaccine theory is flawed b) what they really do in the body c) how they're really made d) it covers forgotten history regarding smallpox and polio e) it covers really important info on vaccines during pregnancy f) how drug companies manipulate science to make it say what they want it to say g) the corruption and vested interests in the regulatory authorities charged with vaccine safety, and so on, and so on :-) " #vaccines #TheOtherSideOfVaccines

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