Speaking of Mtx forever, its down to the wire and I've got to commit to a sequence imminently. I've got a riot of ideas about how it should go, aided by everyone's suggestions and input. But when it gets right down to it, cramming decades of songs into two representative vinyl LPs is really really difficult, a problem with no perfect solution. I've been listening to my own music more in the past months than I ever have before, far more, probably, than I have in my whole "previous life" combined. It's not something I enjoy, per se. I do have delusions of grandeur and I'm (probably) a narcissist, but I'm s shy one. And I'm easily overwhelmed. Compared to this, the re-issue decisions should be a piece of cake (he says naively.) But, it must happen, this committing to a final, irrevocable list. Thanks everyone for your help. Here are my previous posts on the vagaries of compiling and sequencing: https://medium.com/@drankf/mtx-forever-the-album-200b881eed46 https://medium.com/@drankf/mtx-forever-the-sequencing-ec27ae050621 #music #product #vinyl #mtxforever #minds

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