KINDLY DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, TAG, COMMENT, WIRE, BOOST, LIKE & REMIND! ALSO VISIT MY CHANNEL DAILY FOR UNSEEN UPDATES, #MINDS + #VIETNAM! #FREESPEECH #TUMBLR #NEWS So 600.000+ People vs. 1 stupid Manager Asshole can't make a Change to the Better and revoke his illegal Censorship in the USA? Is this your always lauded Democracy? What's wrong with you Americans? And where is your Mainstream Media Shitstorm?

So there is a Petition going on against #Tumblr's weird Plans of Banning all NSFW Content and i hope, we all together can get it to 1.000.000 Signings at least till the End of Year, #Minds! Spread it on the biggest Internet Sites like #Facebook, Twitter, 4chan, #Reddit, #Youtube...See more

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