How many people (in the press and in general) still >really< care about: 1) #nsa #privacy abuses 2) #cia #torture 3) like (2) for #assassination regime change covert ops etc. 4) censorship (many now CHEER for it!) Things have changed.

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More from Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)

I've now managed to exhaust all my RSS feeds, which is rare (long weekend) Except the #natsec ones that I barely touch anymore because people have given up on that ("because TRUMP!") and #wikileaks (or similar) is dying

#Microsoft and the #NSA page now at 200k views. Not bad, it was set up after @snowden leaks in order to make a point.

More from Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)

I've now managed to exhaust all my RSS feeds, which is rare (long weekend) Except the #natsec ones that I barely touch anymore because people have given up on that ("because TRUMP!") and #wikileaks (or similar) is dying

#Microsoft and the #NSA page now at 200k views. Not bad, it was set up after @snowden leaks in order to make a point.