This weekend I took my daughter to a trampoline amusement park and paid extra to do the activities along with her. I learned two things: trampolines are a FANTASTIC workout and two, without supervision, kids create little chaotic societies. By the end of the day, kids had tried to cut our place in line, a kid burped continuously in another kid’s face, clicks formed and made fun of and competed with other clicks, and there was a jousting ball pit where the alphas battled for superiority. It was pretty funny and reminded me of Lord of the Flies on a small scale. My daughter and I had a blast, but noticing those peripheral details clarified that there is absolutely no law without enforcement. Structure and discipline are everything; adults that have no discipline or structure are likely to have no self-awareness or purpose but lots of attitude and entitlement. Structure derives from being proactive; run your life, don’t let your life run you. Develop self-awareness and wake up with a plan every, single day. Decide what you want in the next five years, next 6 months, and next 7 days. Life is short, time flies, and youth is fickle. Set your goals, make a plan, take small steps daily, and be unwavering. It is never too late to take a step back and create your own structure; it just takes a little self- awareness and tangible action.

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