#GrumpyCat died years ago as a #meme because its owners are litigious a-holes. Now the remainder of him, the body, is dead too. Don't overlook the owners' selfishness and greed.

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More from Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)

#GrumpyCat was fun for a while. But its owners are like casino tycoons and hipsters, looking to cash in by the MEEEELIONS by suing everyone 'on behalf' of their darn cat. Like the @peta case over monkey selfie...

“We are unimaginably heartbroken.” — The family of viral sensation #GrumpyCat Fuck you, exploitative family. You're heartbroken over what? That you cannot troll and sue everyone for millions anymore? Fuck your cat, too.

More from Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)

#GrumpyCat was fun for a while. But its owners are like casino tycoons and hipsters, looking to cash in by the MEEEELIONS by suing everyone 'on behalf' of their darn cat. Like the @peta case over monkey selfie...

“We are unimaginably heartbroken.” — The family of viral sensation #GrumpyCat Fuck you, exploitative family. You're heartbroken over what? That you cannot troll and sue everyone for millions anymore? Fuck your cat, too.