BIS to reclassify physical gold as a cash equivalent translation messy but here is some What's happening on the world gold reserves? The gold market there is a climate of cold war: for the first time in 50 years, central banks have bought last year over 640 tons of gold bullion, almost double compared to 2017 and the highest level since 1971, when the President of the United States Richard Nixon (pictured) closed the era of the Gold Standard. The interesting fact is that the European Central banks, together with the Asian ones, have been the most aggressive in purchasing: fear of the euro crisis and currency wars? Actually, and this is especially true in Europe, behind the big maneuvers on reserves there is not only the traditional protective shield against the major hazards: there is also the lure of the opportunity. A reminder that few seem even aware, despite the appointment is now a matter of a few weeks: those that are missing to 29 March of 2019. Judgement day for Brexit will also be that of advent to the gold market. It is unclear whether by choice or by chance, the Bank for international settlements in Basel, the "Bank of the central banks" for his key role in the world financial system, set for March 29 an appointment with history: the resurrection of the Gold Standards in the banking world. For nearly 60 years, the gold standard it set the currency convertibility between gold and the dollar, hooking the market value: in 1971 was us President Richard Nixon, frightened by bearish pressures that threatened to sink the dollar in full war cold, cut the cord with gold decreeing the end of the gold standard. Now something starts to move in the opposite direction. 24-hour cash gold as the Sun has discovered that among the complex but well-known standards for credit and finance reforms from the plane "Basel 3", hides an accoun...

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