Vaccine adverse events and injuries: Is the risk one in a million? 👉🏻 The CDC states that 30,000 adverse events are reported to VAERS each year. 👉🏻 A report funded by the Department of Health & Human Services states that less than 1% of vaccine adverse events are ever reported to VAERS. This is 3 million or more adverse events that occur within 30 days following vaccination that *should* be reported to VAERS, each year. 👉🏻 287 million doses of vaccines are administered on average each year. 3 million adverse events out of 287 million doses, is a risk of adverse events near 1 in 100. 1 adverse event per 100 doses of vaccines administered. Not, one in a million. 👉🏻 Considering the fact that by the time they’re 18, children are given 72 doses of vaccines, assuming the vast majority of vaccines given in the US are given to kids under 18, that is a HIGH likelihood that your child will experience an adverse event (mild to severe), but most will have no idea that their child’s injury or reaction is vaccine-related. ——————— Sources: 30,000 reports to VAERS each year*: Report funded by the HHS stating less than 1% of all vaccine adverse events are reported to VAERS, due to lack of clinician awareness of adverse events being vaccine-related: VICP payout and number of vaccine doses administered: ——————— *It is stated by the CDC that serious adverse events are more likely to be reported to VAERS, than mild ones. I’d like to address this claim. (1) Where’s the data? (2) Mild adverse events occurring at the injection site are widely accepted and well-known to be caused by vaccination, such as fever, crying, irritability, diarrhea, nausea, etc. are much more likely to be recogni...

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