BALBUM!!! This came up on the photos app on my phone as a "memory" from one year ago. Me defending @frankportman's use of the word "balbum".* When you buy his book, King Dork Approximately, you get a free album. When you buy his band's album, King Dork Approximately The Album, you get a free book. When you buy them both, you get it all half off! So what are you waiting for?! Go buy it! I can guarantee it'll be the best balbum you've ever bought! And it's only ten bucks! There are many places you can purchase from, but I strongly suggest buying through Sounds Rad. You'll be supporting an awesome record label, and you'll get your copy signed for free: And if you *really* can't afford the balbum, the least you can do is stream the album for free on YouTube and wonder how you got so lucky as to hear something so amazing for free: * Looking back, I can see the confusion when I said "he calls it that not me" -- I just meant I wasn't the one who made it up. I of course always have and always will support the use of the word "balbum". Balbum forever! #mtxforever #balbum #books #music #minds

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