To speak of these times and the currents overwhelming them as vulgar, corrosive, अनार्य – is to perhaps waste words saying what all of us (who matter) already know. We know that we are up against the most formidable concentration of anti-initiatory entropy in the (surviving) history of this planet. We know that not only the institutions of government in what were once our countries, but the very people who used to be the bulk of our racial kin, are not merely useless in the Struggle but useful and sometimes even conscious tools of the Enemy. We know exactly what we are up against, we few who know all this – and insist upon Victory anyway. But, my very special Readers, we are few at this stage in the Struggle. To be in possession of both the accurate Knowledge and the unyielding Will is to be one of a very few. It goes without saying that we are far outnumbered by the overtly hostile or even just passively sleeping masses – but even on the (self-declared) Right there are those of partial knowledge but without the Will to even confront what they do think that they know. From the ranks of these uninitiated ‘sages’, we tend to hear unceasingly these days of all their varied (((messiahs))).

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