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Following President Trump’s State of the Union address, the top search result on YouTube was a CNN ‘fact check’ that had no views, proving once again how Google is manipulating its algorithm for partisan ends. https://www.infowars.com/top-youtube-result-after-trumps-sotu-speech-cnn-fact-check-with-no-views/

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Muslims in NYC are carrying out “community patrols” in Brooklyn while driving cars that look almost identical to NYPD vehicles, leading some to describe the situation as “Sharia Police”. https://www.infowars.com/sharia-police-muslims-patrolling-brooklyn-in-vehicles-almost-identical-to-nypd/

Salvini tells open border advocating leftist to take migrants in his home. “The more money communists make the more they preach morality to others.” https://www.infowars.com/salvini-tells-open-border-leftist-to-accept-migrants-in-his-home/

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Muslims in NYC are carrying out “community patrols” in Brooklyn while driving cars that look almost identical to NYPD vehicles, leading some to describe the situation as “Sharia Police”. https://www.infowars.com/sharia-police-muslims-patrolling-brooklyn-in-vehicles-almost-identical-to-nypd/

Salvini tells open border advocating leftist to take migrants in his home. “The more money communists make the more they preach morality to others.” https://www.infowars.com/salvini-tells-open-border-leftist-to-accept-migrants-in-his-home/