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Election Interference Is OK When Uncle Sam Does It! - #PropagandaWatch SHOW NOTES AND MP4: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=29975 So let me get this straight: The Russians brought America to its knees with a few facebook ads, but Uncle Sam's concerted and ongoing efforts to overthrow governments around the world and interfere with elections is perfectly fine? Because...democracy? Riiiiiiight. #news


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The War Propaganda Bureau - #PropagandaWatch The British government soon recognized that control of the economy was not enough; the war at home meant control of information itself. At the outbreak of war, they set up the War Propaganda Bureau at Wellington House. The bureau’s initial purpose was to persuade America to enter the war, but that mandate soon expanded to shape and mold public opinion in favour of the war effort and of the government itself... WATCH THE FULL DOCUMENTARY: https://www.corbettreport.com/wwi/


Babies on Bayonets - PropagandaWatch VIEW THE FULL DOCUMENTARY: https://www.corbettreport.com/wwi/ In this clip from The WWI Conspiracy (Part Two) we examine the propaganda surrounding the "Rape of Belgium" at the start of WWI and the actions of the baby bayonetting evil Hun savages... #History #PropagandaWatch #DOCUMENTARY #journalism

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The War Propaganda Bureau - #PropagandaWatch The British government soon recognized that control of the economy was not enough; the war at home meant control of information itself. At the outbreak of war, they set up the War Propaganda Bureau at Wellington House. The bureau’s initial purpose was to persuade America to enter the war, but that mandate soon expanded to shape and mold public opinion in favour of the war effort and of the government itself... WATCH THE FULL DOCUMENTARY: https://www.corbettreport.com/wwi/


Babies on Bayonets - PropagandaWatch VIEW THE FULL DOCUMENTARY: https://www.corbettreport.com/wwi/ In this clip from The WWI Conspiracy (Part Two) we examine the propaganda surrounding the "Rape of Belgium" at the start of WWI and the actions of the baby bayonetting evil Hun savages... #History #PropagandaWatch #DOCUMENTARY #journalism