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Right now, our consciousness, on a level concerning the group aggregate (collective consciousness) is locked in a very low vibrational frequency. Collectively, humanity is buying into the deception that authority is actually legitimate through the fear of violence, coercion, and threat. Since birth, humanity have been spoon-fed the deception that “some men” are greater than and more suitable to rule the collective, according to natural selection and good breeding. Ultimately, this boils down to the idea that man thinks he is God; the “Pontifex Maximus” God-King. Society, as a whole, has been deliberately dumbed down by those who wish to mold mankind into a more easily "standardized" mass group who will go along to get along and never question why it is the way it is. For those who peer deep into the truth of actual historically documented events and see clearly the "occultation" of knowledge being used a THE power differential... it is our responsibility to act on that knowledge. Chinese philosopher Yung Ming said, "To know and not to do is actually equivalent to "not knowing after-all". Self-governance, autonomy, personal growth has increasingly been steered away from and manipulated against. It was happening then, when the people were not as directly mind-controlled as they are today. Back then the people had more integrity, were closer to nature, had a more spiritual enlightenment and were courageous and active. That, in and of itself, should give you a reference point of just how much strength we have to develop among ourselves to defend against tyranny in our age. We are not powerless in the least. Our primary task is to wake up and live up to our true, inherent nature. This takes some doing to fully realize but is attainable by anyone and can happen quite quickly. Once we awaken to these simple truths and the dots start to connect we’re well on our way to activation to help dispel this dangerous threat, however each of us are called to do. There’s no stand...

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