THE SEASON OF DISCLOSURE (Part 7) ((( The Rise & Fall; A Double Perspective ))) =========by Bullhorn Barry (Opinion; Added 10-02-2018) The Season of Disclosure consists of many things and many changes. I've been attempting to tackle those as we ride out this amazing season of disclosure. It's become apparent that one of those paradigms is the Rise & Fall Paradigm. This is a double perspective of sorts. Most people would immediately recognize that I'm referencing the rise and fall of the elite but that's only a portion of the picture. Yes, the mighty & corrupt are falling but that won't change a thing if they simply replace those people with people just as bad or worse. In days past, it was usually someone far worse, but those days are now over. If the system can't reform, they will be replaced. Some of the power structure will exist outside of the establishment. It will be independent. In today's season of disclosure, the fall of the corrupt establishment means the RISE of the faithful and the loyal. Faithful and loyal to who? To WE THE PEOPLE, that's who. Many of these bright people, as well as other enterprising entities have been waiting and serving in the shadows. Their service, loyalty, and integrity have been kept out of the limelight. The Fake News wants nothing to do with them because they're not embedded in their system of corruption. Unfortunately, their bright ideas, good deeds, and accomplishments have been suppressed by the powers that be so that they've been kept away from the public eye. Just like MINDS.COM has been suppressed by the powers that be, many others have been suppressed as well. The Fake News does their absolute best to prop up their dying system and all of their puppets, but they are losing ground by the day. Just like MINDS.COM, new paradigms are rising by the day and in time they will become the predominant force. The old guard is dying a slow and painful death and the new order of things is on the move. The new order will be an...

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