If you want to find out why we are here and where we are going to...you might want to read the following books: (Please note that none of these books is "New Age trash", these are important books, and I would prefer if you would buy these books in your local bookstore, I do not...See more

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from here: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/891059590783156224 ==================================================================== I consider this to be very important information, which can possibly save lives. PLEASE freely distribute this article under Creative Commons License...See more

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If you want to empathize with children, stand in their shoes. Imagine being talked down to, shamed, and controlled as they are as an adult. Imagine if now, you had to spend 8 hours each day for 12 years working in subjects you don't find valuable to your personal goals and interests. It doesn't take a wild imagination. Just a little humility and honesty. To see the ethical future, check out Alliance for Self-Directed Education. -THT

More from mymindisheavierthanyours

from here: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/891059590783156224 ==================================================================== I consider this to be very important information, which can possibly save lives. PLEASE freely distribute this article under Creative Commons License...See more

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If you want to empathize with children, stand in their shoes. Imagine being talked down to, shamed, and controlled as they are as an adult. Imagine if now, you had to spend 8 hours each day for 12 years working in subjects you don't find valuable to your personal goals and interests. It doesn't take a wild imagination. Just a little humility and honesty. To see the ethical future, check out Alliance for Self-Directed Education. -THT