FIND YOUR LOCAL CONTACTS (Falun Dafa in the USA) All Falun Dafa activities are free of charge Invite your friends and family to join a meditation practice site. It's totally free of charge. Find a place close by your home in the link below: Falun Dafa at Stanford University: Falun Dafa at Columbia University: Thông tin học viên Pháp Luân Đại Pháp tình nguyện tại các địa phương trên thế giới: LEARN MORE: BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO FALUN DAFA_GIỚI THIỆU VỀ PHÁP LUÂN ĐẠI PHÁP (World Full Of Beauty) CUỘC SỐNG VÀ HY VỌNG ĐÃ QUAY TRỞ LẠI CHIA SẺ VỀ TU HỌC PHÁP LUÂN CÔNG (Chia sẻ về tu học Pháp Luân Công) (World Full Of Beauty) ĐỌC SÁCH CHUYỂN PHÁP LUÂN (Chia sẻ về tu học Pháp Luân Công) (World Full Of Beauty) ĐỌC SÁCH ĐẠI VIÊN MÃN PHÁP Exercises are the Supplementary Means for Reaching Perfection (World Full Of Beauty) TẬP CÔNG THEO VIDEO HƯỚNG DẪN LUYỆN CÔNG (Chia sẻ về tu học Pháp Luân Công) (World Full Of Beauty) LỢI ÍCH SỨC KHỎE_HEALTH BENEFITS Life and Hope Renewed cover Life and Hope Renewed (World Full Of Beauty) Falun Dafa in the USA Find Your Local Contacts All Falun Dafa activities are free of charge (Vupro) Phật Triển Thiên Thủ Pháp_ Bài Công Pháp số 1. (World Full Of Beauty) Pháp Luân Trang pháp_Bài Công Pháp số 2 Falun Stan...

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Falun Gong meditation practice Falun Dafa is an ancient traditional practice to improve both mind and body. It includes five tranquil exercises as well as the cultivation of one's character according to the principles Truth, Kindness and Tolerance. It became extremely popular...See more

Falun Gong meditation practice Falun Dafa is a traditional Chinese method for improving both mind and body. It includes a set of five peaceful exercises as well as the refinement of one's character according to the principles Truth, Kindness and Tolerance. It is completely free to practice and everybody is welcome to join us at one of our many practice sites throughout the world. Learn more at:

Friends of Falun Gong Celebrating Falun Dafa's 20 Anniversary! Ancient Chinese Medit... Today I'd like to introduce you to an ancient Chinese meditation called Falun Dafa or Falun Gong. They believe in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance, which are the true essences of...See more

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Falun Gong meditation practice Falun Dafa is an ancient traditional practice to improve both mind and body. It includes five tranquil exercises as well as the cultivation of one's character according to the principles Truth, Kindness and Tolerance. It became extremely popular...See more

Falun Gong meditation practice Falun Dafa is a traditional Chinese method for improving both mind and body. It includes a set of five peaceful exercises as well as the refinement of one's character according to the principles Truth, Kindness and Tolerance. It is completely free to practice and everybody is welcome to join us at one of our many practice sites throughout the world. Learn more at:

Friends of Falun Gong Celebrating Falun Dafa's 20 Anniversary! Ancient Chinese Medit... Today I'd like to introduce you to an ancient Chinese meditation called Falun Dafa or Falun Gong. They believe in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance, which are the true essences of...See more