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➝ Gnostic Pranayama Practice to transmute the Sexual Energy Men: (top diagram) start inhaling through the RIGHT nostril, hold, and release through the left. Then go back; inhale left, retain, exhale right. As you do, pronounce the mantras with your heart. (Ton-Sa-ham, Ton-Ra-ham) Women: (lower diagram) start inhaling through the LEFT nostril, hold, and release through the RIGHT. Then go back; inhale RIGHT, retain, exhale LEFT. As you do, pronounce the mantras with your heart. (Ton-Sa-ham, Ton-Ra-ham) “When the seminal (sexual) energy is sublimated and transformed totally, it provides the nervous system with very rich Prana, which is deposited in the brain as wine of light, as marvelous Christic energy.” “Prana is the great breath. Prana is the Cosmic Christ. Prana is the life that palpitates in each atom, as it palpitates in each Sun. Fire burns on account of Prana; water flows on account of Prana; the wind blows on account of Prana; the sun exists on account of Prana; the life that we have is Prana. Nothing could exist in the Universe without Prana. The most insignificant insect could not be born; neither the most timid flower would sprout without Prana. Prana exists in the food that we eat, in the air that we breathe; in the water that we drink, in everything.” —Samael Aun Weor --------------------------------------------- #Gnosis #Spiritual #Gnostic #SexualTransmutation #Esoteric #Consciousness #Pranayama

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