The potential of love is all around and within each of us, constantly. However, our quest for pure love with another becomes clouded by our experience of living, where discrimination and fear darken our perceptions. We are each given the key at birth - our natural feelings of connection to life - and our ability to change or "Shapeshift" remains at our core . Cultivating our natural empathy with the cosmos and confidence in our "self" will help to recognise the opportunity ,when pure love is reflected back and enters our lives...

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For anyone who thinks Trump #MAGA is anti-globalist. For anyone who still somehow believes that Obama was change For anyone who thinks that Hillary is with you For anyone who thinks Bush was a compassionate conservative. Politicians change, policies don't #DifferentPUPPET-ACTORSbutSameDevil ("PUPPET-ACTOR" implies POLITICIAN !!) The SAME "PUPPETEER" is there in each photo !!!

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For anyone who thinks Trump #MAGA is anti-globalist. For anyone who still somehow believes that Obama was change For anyone who thinks that Hillary is with you For anyone who thinks Bush was a compassionate conservative. Politicians change, policies don't #DifferentPUPPET-ACTORSbutSameDevil ("PUPPET-ACTOR" implies POLITICIAN !!) The SAME "PUPPETEER" is there in each photo !!!