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This strange photograph was captured by Alan Dyer in Alberta, Canada. What the heck is that ribbon-like thing stretched across the sky, you might wonder. STEVE (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement’) is an aurora-like phenomenon researchers are only just now starting to understand. For years, STEVE was reported occasionally dancing alongside auroras. It was widely called a “proton arc” until researchers pointed out that protons had nothing to do with it. The mystery of STEVE is far from solved. Researchers still don’t understand why STEVE is purple–or for that matter why the underlying rivers of gas should glow at all. ................................................................................................................................................ EarthScience #Science #Space #STEVE

This strange photograph was captured by Alan Dyer in Alberta, Canada. What the heck is that ribbon-like thing stretched across the sky, you might wonder. STEVE (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement’) is an aurora-like phenomenon researchers are only just now starting to...See more

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