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A study by the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet has found that 88 per cent of gang rapists in the Scandinavian country over the last six years have had a migrant background.

Kanye may not be the most eloquent person or have the perfect message. But simply having authenticity and amplifying a message that the high priests of pop culture don't control is what terrifies them.

Paintings and statues depicting nudity were covered with veils at an exposition held in the palace of Savona to avoid offending visiting Muslims, according to the artist who created them.

More from PaulJosephWatson

A study by the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet has found that 88 per cent of gang rapists in the Scandinavian country over the last six years have had a migrant background.

Kanye may not be the most eloquent person or have the perfect message. But simply having authenticity and amplifying a message that the high priests of pop culture don't control is what terrifies them.

Paintings and statues depicting nudity were covered with veils at an exposition held in the palace of Savona to avoid offending visiting Muslims, according to the artist who created them.