Mindless Self Indulgence - Shut Me Up i'll tell you what you can do to shut me up: 1. legalize marijuana in all forms and free all drug offenders 2. create and enforce a sustainable future for Earth 3. end all wars and other military industrial complex murder rackets 4. stop mentally influencing people to kill/mass murder 5. realize and abide to the only one true law "live your life as you will, so long as you do not bleed adversely into other peoples lives" 6. end monsanto, fluoridation, and all forms of mass genocide/poisoning 7. release cures for cancer, aids, and all other pharma murder for profit rackets 8. end production of all nuclear/chemical weapons as well as all wmd stockpiles 9. end all forms of slavery including, but not limited to: sex, debt, labor, oppression 10. dismantle and replace the global banking cartels with decentralized currencies #GOOD #LUCK


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