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Fundamentals of Gnostic Education & Learning “The fundamental education is the science of the consciousness; it is the science that allows us to discover our relationship with human beings, nature, and all things.” The root of the word educate is from educere, which means “to lead out”, or “to draw out”. The true meaning of education is to be guided toward our own innate knowledge through the awakening of the consciousness. Unfortunately education in modern times means to be indoctrinated and stuffed with information, to memorize, to be able to repeat back whatever information has been presented without questioning it or even understanding it. “It never occurs to students or teachers to ask themselves, “Why am I here? What have I come here for? What is the true, secret motivation that brings me here?” Teachers and students live with their consciousness asleep. They really act like machines, going to school, college, university, in an unconscious and subjective manner, without really knowing why or for what reason. It is necessary to stop being automatons; it is necessary to awaken the consciousness in order to discover for ourselves the meaning of this utterly terrifying struggle—of passing exams, of living at a certain place in order to study day after day so that we can pass the year; the meaning of going through worries, anguishes, and preoccupations, practicing sports, going through arguments and fights with fellow students, etc. Teachers should become more cognizant in order to help students to awaken their consciousness, whether it be at school, college, or university.” This lack of education regarding the consciousness is important to understand. Our entire upbringing, formal education, and societal influence is based on a sleeping consciousness, ignoring the possibility of awakening. The more materialistic society becomes the more we assume that awakening or enlightenment is impossible, a myth or legend. We fall into the error of thinking that divinity i...

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