Meet Our Rulers, The Psychopaths. Psychopathy is nothing new. It is the inability to feel empathy for others. It is not an on or off thing but is a spectrum. Extreme psychopaths see no problem in wiping out large portions of the population if it serves their interest and they won’t suffer negative consequences. They believe they are more evolved and have the right to do to people what they let them do. They have no problem with ritual murder and pedophilia, this is a common test they put potential recruits through in order to move them up the ranks of power. It also has the added benefit of giving those at the top complete control over their minion through blackmail. Psychopathy is the most desirable trait that the parasites at the top desire in their puppets and in themselves. They interbreed among themselves in order to keep this trait undiluted. This is also why so few families control things at the top, and only those that have this ruthless psychopathy are allowed to breed into the family. It is very simple to understand why this is the case. Let’s look at a couple examples. If you have no moral objection to doing whatever it takes to reach positions of wealth and power you will not follow any rules society makes, and your only fear is getting caught. So if someone invents a revolutionary product, you will have no problem murdering them and their family in order to steal it for yourself. You would have no problem stealing the idea and bribing public officials into supporting your theft. You would have no problem murdering a small business owner and his family and stealing all his gold (old world example). You would have no problem in crashing entire economies using lies or other underhanded techniques in order to profit from it. Enslaving your fellow man, so you can live a life of luxury is no problem at all. Now, if all the people without this psychopathic trait are not willing to do these things they will not be able to compete and gai...

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