More from Storj : The Most Secure and Private Cloud

Have you noticed that SJCX exchange rate (in BTC) has recently fallen quickly? Do you think it's caused by replacement of SJCX to STORJ (Ethereum token) in Storj official distribution? Where can I find STORJ exchange rate? It would be an interesting market occurence if SJCX and STORJ had different values, but could be exchanged 1:1 in the webapp created by Storj developers...

More from Storj : The Most Secure and Private Cloud

Have you noticed that SJCX exchange rate (in BTC) has recently fallen quickly? Do you think it's caused by replacement of SJCX to STORJ (Ethereum token) in Storj official distribution? Where can I find STORJ exchange rate? It would be an interesting market occurence if SJCX and STORJ had different values, but could be exchanged 1:1 in the webapp created by Storj developers...