Defend the Guard: Support the Constitution, Resist the Empire

Defend the Guard is a state-level bill that would stop the deployment of a state’s National Guard units unless specific constitutional criteria are met. Learn more about the bill - and what action steps you can take in support in your state today. Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: Nov 18, 2022 JOIN TAC: Show Archives: Subscribe and Review on Apple:


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Government people always want you to fall in line and obey everything they tell you to do - unless THEY determine that they shouldn't have done it in the first place. This is absurd, both logically and under the Constitution. "To say that an unconstitutional law must be obeyed until it is repealed, is saying that an unconstitutional law is just as obligatory as a constitutional one,—for the latter is binding only until it is repealed." -Lysander Spooner, A Defence for Fugitive Slaves (1850)

Author of the most widely-read documents on American liberty until the publication of Common Sense in 1776, John Dickinson’s work earned him the nickname “Penman of the Revolution.” Born Nov 13, 1732 - his writings are filled with principles and strategies we’d do well to follow much more today.

The founding generation never conceived the United States as a “nation.” A nation implies a single, unified political society. When they declared independence, the colonies became 13 sovereign nations in their own right. They did quickly ban together in a confederation, but this is not the same thing as a “nation.” -Mike Maharrey

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Government people always want you to fall in line and obey everything they tell you to do - unless THEY determine that they shouldn't have done it in the first place. This is absurd, both logically and under the Constitution. "To say that an unconstitutional law must be obeyed until it is repealed, is saying that an unconstitutional law is just as obligatory as a constitutional one,—for the latter is binding only until it is repealed." -Lysander Spooner, A Defence for Fugitive Slaves (1850)

Author of the most widely-read documents on American liberty until the publication of Common Sense in 1776, John Dickinson’s work earned him the nickname “Penman of the Revolution.” Born Nov 13, 1732 - his writings are filled with principles and strategies we’d do well to follow much more today.

The founding generation never conceived the United States as a “nation.” A nation implies a single, unified political society. When they declared independence, the colonies became 13 sovereign nations in their own right. They did quickly ban together in a confederation, but this is not the same thing as a “nation.” -Mike Maharrey