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New York City’s Emergency Management Department has released a PSA instructing residents what to do in the event of a nuclear attack, the first of its kind since the 1960s. https://summit.news/2022/07/12/new-york-city-releases-first-nuclear-attack-psa-since-1960s/

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Researchers in China are developing technology that uses AI face recognition to determine a citizen’s loyalty to the ‘party’ and their subservience to state brainwashing. https://summit.news/2022/07/11/china-researching-creepy-ai-face-recognition-technology-which-detects-party-loyalty/

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Researchers in China are developing technology that uses AI face recognition to determine a citizen’s loyalty to the ‘party’ and their subservience to state brainwashing. https://summit.news/2022/07/11/china-researching-creepy-ai-face-recognition-technology-which-detects-party-loyalty/