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Richard Henry Lee - in the Confederation Congress - in support of his effort to add a Bill of Rights to the proposed Constitution before sending it to the states for ratification. #constitution #billofrights #richardhenrylee #10thAmendment #libertarian

Arguing that "high-caliber" weapons should be federally banned, President Joe Biden claimed, "Remember, the Constitution was never absolute." Biden was merely advancing the popular notion of a "living breathing Constitution."

More from TenthAmendmentCenter

Richard Henry Lee - in the Confederation Congress - in support of his effort to add a Bill of Rights to the proposed Constitution before sending it to the states for ratification. #constitution #billofrights #richardhenrylee #10thAmendment #libertarian

Arguing that "high-caliber" weapons should be federally banned, President Joe Biden claimed, "Remember, the Constitution was never absolute." Biden was merely advancing the popular notion of a "living breathing Constitution."