7 Truths About Government Most People Ignore

As Richard Henry Lee so rightly observed, “politics is the science of fraud, and politicians are the professors of this science.” But wait, there’s more! Learn 7 essential truths about government and power that most people completely ignore, from the late Harry Browne. Path to Liberty: May 11, 2022 JOIN TAC: https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/members/ Show Archives: https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/pathtoliberty/ Subscribe and Review on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/path-to-liberty/id1440549211


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On Monday, a New York Senate committee passed a bill that would reform the state’s asset forfeiture laws to require a criminal conviction and opt the state out of a federal asset forfeiture program known as “equitable sharing” in most cases. Sen. Jamaal Bailey (D) introduced...See more

Whenever you give government the power to do what you think is "good" - someone else will eventually have that power in the future as well. #jamesmadison #constitution #10thAmendment #libertarian #truth

The Tenth Amendment is about much more than just delegated and reserved powers. It reaffirms some of the most important principles of the Revolution. Sovereignty - final authority - of the People of the Several States. And the right of the people to resist when the government usurps power not delegated to it. https://odysee.com/@TenthAmendmentCenter:6/path-033022:b

More from TenthAmendmentCenter

On Monday, a New York Senate committee passed a bill that would reform the state’s asset forfeiture laws to require a criminal conviction and opt the state out of a federal asset forfeiture program known as “equitable sharing” in most cases. Sen. Jamaal Bailey (D) introduced...See more

Whenever you give government the power to do what you think is "good" - someone else will eventually have that power in the future as well. #jamesmadison #constitution #10thAmendment #libertarian #truth

The Tenth Amendment is about much more than just delegated and reserved powers. It reaffirms some of the most important principles of the Revolution. Sovereignty - final authority - of the People of the Several States. And the right of the people to resist when the government usurps power not delegated to it. https://odysee.com/@TenthAmendmentCenter:6/path-033022:b