White elephants are in Thailand...

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It’s a beautiful night just after the rain has passed. A small, quaint family-owned Italian restaurant is packed with lounging diners enjoying their three-course meal of decadent pasta and seafood. They secretly sip chilled white wine out of teacups and red wine out of glass coke bottles, hiding the fact that they are deliberately breaking the Thai government’s mandate of no alcohol in restaurants.

Beauty is an abstract concept and the standards of the beauty have always kept varying throughout history. What we perceive as beautiful can be repelling to someone else. Here is a list of different standards of beauty across the globe that may gross you out but are incredibly appealing within a few communities.

Maybe Conservatives Aren’t as Hypocritical as They Are Illogical I write about religion, politics, culture, and their intersections.

More from Beauty of Thailand

It’s a beautiful night just after the rain has passed. A small, quaint family-owned Italian restaurant is packed with lounging diners enjoying their three-course meal of decadent pasta and seafood. They secretly sip chilled white wine out of teacups and red wine out of glass coke bottles, hiding the fact that they are deliberately breaking the Thai government’s mandate of no alcohol in restaurants.

Beauty is an abstract concept and the standards of the beauty have always kept varying throughout history. What we perceive as beautiful can be repelling to someone else. Here is a list of different standards of beauty across the globe that may gross you out but are incredibly appealing within a few communities.

Maybe Conservatives Aren’t as Hypocritical as They Are Illogical I write about religion, politics, culture, and their intersections.