Welcome back to another week Pulmonaut! “Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh 🔥🔥 This week we have a great new active breathing session planned called "The Bullet Breath Six-Shooter" which contains 6x Rounds of Bullet Breathing with breath-holds that get longer as the rounds progress. We'll start at 30-seconds BH (breath hold) and will end up at 1:30. Benefits; * Alkaline the Blood * Boost the Immune System * Balance the Autonomic Nervous System * Energize the body * Oxygenate your major organs * Increase Blood Circulation * Release Tension/Anxiety And probably some more as well. If you want to experience a Powerful Breathwork Session - Don't miss it on Wednesday at 8 PM Central or Thursday at 8 PM UK time. We're in a new Season now - it's time to let go and regrow! Be blessed fellow Pulmonaut - Keep on Breathing!

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