It's okay to vulnerable It's okay to cry It's okay to show weaknesses Everyone does, they just don't show you how it messes them up. There are a lot of smiling faces with broken hearts, don't die in silence!

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For as a Man thinks in his hearts so is he. Watch your thoughts!!!!

Try seeing the very small ray of light in every bad situation. Focus on the light, bad things happen. Sometimes so that we can appreciate the good stuffs when they come

Apt. When you want more, be ready and willing to work more!!

More from Gaison

For as a Man thinks in his hearts so is he. Watch your thoughts!!!!

Try seeing the very small ray of light in every bad situation. Focus on the light, bad things happen. Sometimes so that we can appreciate the good stuffs when they come

Apt. When you want more, be ready and willing to work more!!