Top 10 technology trends that will shape the coming decade: 1 automation RPA 2 5G and IoT 3 cloud and edge compute 4 quantum computing 5 applied AI (ML NLP) 6 software 2.0 7 trust architecture (blockchain) 8 bio revolution 9 NG materials 10 clean tech

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~ George Carlin πŸ’―%

'Without Simon Waterson's help and guidance, I literally wouldn't have made it through fifteen years of playing James Bond ... It's been an honour working with him.' - Daniel Craig β€œMy time is now” - Pol

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~ George Carlin πŸ’―%

'Without Simon Waterson's help and guidance, I literally wouldn't have made it through fifteen years of playing James Bond ... It's been an honour working with him.' - Daniel Craig β€œMy time is now” - Pol