Find someone who still knows how to talk to you when they are angry. Someone who respects you in all mental states.

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As soon as you die, your identity becomes a "body". People use phrases like: "bring the body", lower the body in the grave, take the body to the grave yard, etc. People don't even call you by your name whom you tried to impress your whole life....... Live a life to Impress the...See more

It's is important that we try as much as possible not to hold on to the unfortunate happenings of the past,it slows us down.....

More from Bravoforce

As soon as you die, your identity becomes a "body". People use phrases like: "bring the body", lower the body in the grave, take the body to the grave yard, etc. People don't even call you by your name whom you tried to impress your whole life....... Live a life to Impress the...See more

It's is important that we try as much as possible not to hold on to the unfortunate happenings of the past,it slows us down.....