#Scientist discovered a New world but till now they don't know what it's entails. #The European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope—yes, that’s actually the name—has discovered a brand-new world. The planet in question is located 325 light-years away from Earth, in the Centaurus constellation. The planet itself orbits b Centauri, a two-star system that you can often see with the naked eye. Scientists say that this star system is the hottest planet-hosting system that we know of. It is now known as b Centauri (AB)b, or b Centauri b. Additionally, scientists found that the new world orbits its star over 100 times the distance between Jupiter and the Sun. #It should be a massive planet for a massive system #What makes this new discovery so intriguing, though, is that scientists are scratching their heads about it. Because of how hot the two-star system is, it doesn’t make sense for planets to have formed within it. As such, scientists are perplexed at how this new world formed. The planet is about ten times heavier than Jupiter and orbits b Centauri at 100 times the distance Jupiter orbits the Sun. This is one of the widest orbits yet discovered and could be key to the planet’s survival. #Credit: @ESO /L.Calçada/spaceengine.org pic.twitter.com/GFb5cwAXe6 — ESO (@ESO) December 8, 2021