Uric acid from human urine mixes with chlorine to create the cyanogen chloride (CNCI) and trichloramine (NCl3). CNCI is a toxic compound that can harm organs like the lungs, heart, and central nervous system. Source: Time.com

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Life is more FUN when you don't take it too seriously. You get stressed out, worried, angry and bored when you take life too seriously Relax a little, laugh at life and sometimes don't fight things (accept the things you can't really change) I hope you get some FUN!

Watermelon Sugar high 🤗🤗


More from Boole


Life is more FUN when you don't take it too seriously. You get stressed out, worried, angry and bored when you take life too seriously Relax a little, laugh at life and sometimes don't fight things (accept the things you can't really change) I hope you get some FUN!

Watermelon Sugar high 🤗🤗
