Bill of Rights: The Untold Story of Why it Exists

Most people associate passage of amendments in the 1st Congress with the dogged persistence of Rep. James Madison. But if it weren’t for the efforts of patriots like Richard Henry Lee, Samuel Adams, George Mason and John Hancock, he may never have had the opportunity. Learn the...See more


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While proposing a Bill of Rights in the Confederation Congress on Sept 27, 1787, Richard Henry Lee explained the reason for it: “No power should be exercised, but such as is expressly given, and therefore no constructive power can be exercised. To prevent this is the great use of a bill of rights.” #billofrights #constitution #founders #10thAmendment #liberty

James Madison argued that the best way to limit the number of wars would be to make the people pay the full cost immediately instead of financing them with debt and putting the onus on future generations to bear the cost. This would force politicians, and the population at...See more

Patrick Henry called it. #warning #decentralize #libertarian #founders #10thAmendment

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While proposing a Bill of Rights in the Confederation Congress on Sept 27, 1787, Richard Henry Lee explained the reason for it: “No power should be exercised, but such as is expressly given, and therefore no constructive power can be exercised. To prevent this is the great use of a bill of rights.” #billofrights #constitution #founders #10thAmendment #liberty

James Madison argued that the best way to limit the number of wars would be to make the people pay the full cost immediately instead of financing them with debt and putting the onus on future generations to bear the cost. This would force politicians, and the population at...See more

Patrick Henry called it. #warning #decentralize #libertarian #founders #10thAmendment