The President of the Russian Federation severely criticized the West for having allowed woke culture to introduce ‘reversed discrimination’ through critical race theory and the destruction of traditional family values through gender ideology. Putin used strong words to condemn...See more

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According to the progressive site Axios, Biden’s immigration czar – Hello? Vice President Harris? – has somehow managed to lose contact with 45,000 unaccompanied minors she let into the United States after they appeared at the border this year:

When protests in the United States happen that help the establishment in some way, whether by stoking divide or pushing an establishment agenda, corporate media is all over them, bombarding us with news of packed streets. However, when massive crowds take to the streets to have...See more

The members of the “Committee of 300” are basically the people who run the world today. Above them, there is another group, called The Council of 33, and above that there is yet another group, The Council of 13 (a.k.a. Crown Council of 13), which is made of just 13 of the most...See more

More from HumansAreFree

According to the progressive site Axios, Biden’s immigration czar – Hello? Vice President Harris? – has somehow managed to lose contact with 45,000 unaccompanied minors she let into the United States after they appeared at the border this year:

When protests in the United States happen that help the establishment in some way, whether by stoking divide or pushing an establishment agenda, corporate media is all over them, bombarding us with news of packed streets. However, when massive crowds take to the streets to have...See more

The members of the “Committee of 300” are basically the people who run the world today. Above them, there is another group, called The Council of 33, and above that there is yet another group, The Council of 13 (a.k.a. Crown Council of 13), which is made of just 13 of the most...See more