The Danger of Factions: Nothing New Under the Sun

A “frightful despotism,” would be the result of an “alternate domination of one faction over another,” warned George Washington. He was joined - with similar warnings - by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Mercy Otis Warren, Thomas Jefferson and many others. But this opposition to...See more


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Thomas Jefferson with a pretty important reminder #truth #liberty #10thAmendment #libertarian #founders

One-size-fits-all "solutions" are usually more dangerous than the problems they claim to "fix." That's why the founders opposed a consolidated system. Yet here we are - the people have allowed the politicians to make everything under the sun the purview of the central government - out of fear, ignorance - or both. #founders #constitution #libertarian #10thAmendment #decentralize

More from TenthAmendmentCenter

Thomas Jefferson with a pretty important reminder #truth #liberty #10thAmendment #libertarian #founders

One-size-fits-all "solutions" are usually more dangerous than the problems they claim to "fix." That's why the founders opposed a consolidated system. Yet here we are - the people have allowed the politicians to make everything under the sun the purview of the central government - out of fear, ignorance - or both. #founders #constitution #libertarian #10thAmendment #decentralize