#Donbass #Russia #Putin #Minskprotocol Until now the Kremlin at least played lip-service to the 2014 Minsk protocol that clearly stipulated that Ukraine had to negotiate a deal with its Russian speaking rebels in the Donbass to federalize. However Kiev has so far stubbornly...See more

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Internet user ID's will not be used to stop online abuse but they will be abused to crush online dissent.


Under the guise of stopping online abuse, this will be designed to deny dissenters access to the internet, what they deem to be harmful content will be expanded and expanded and considering the WEF's long term plan is to make it so that your new digital ID is tied to your vaccine status, this means that the unvaccinated will be denied access to the internet evenually. https://www.irishnews.com/magazine/technology/2021/07/12/news/social-media-must-start-verifying-user-id-to-end-online-abuse--2384185/

#Afghanistan #USwithdrawal #US #centralAsia #geopolitics When the US and the Taliban signed the Doha agreement the US was quite disingenuous. The US never wanted to leave Afghanistan at all, planning for mercenaries and "anti-terrorism experts" to take the place of the...See more

#Afghanistan #Austinmiller #Nato #USwithdrawal The top US and Nato general in Afghanistan General Austin "Scott" Miller stepped down. His timing is interesting - in the coming weeks the disaster that is the US withdrawal from Afghanistan will become headline news and obviously he does not want to be associated to any of that. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57809533

More from Tayelrand

Internet user ID's will not be used to stop online abuse but they will be abused to crush online dissent.


Under the guise of stopping online abuse, this will be designed to deny dissenters access to the internet, what they deem to be harmful content will be expanded and expanded and considering the WEF's long term plan is to make it so that your new digital ID is tied to your vaccine status, this means that the unvaccinated will be denied access to the internet evenually. https://www.irishnews.com/magazine/technology/2021/07/12/news/social-media-must-start-verifying-user-id-to-end-online-abuse--2384185/

#Afghanistan #USwithdrawal #US #centralAsia #geopolitics When the US and the Taliban signed the Doha agreement the US was quite disingenuous. The US never wanted to leave Afghanistan at all, planning for mercenaries and "anti-terrorism experts" to take the place of the...See more

#Afghanistan #Austinmiller #Nato #USwithdrawal The top US and Nato general in Afghanistan General Austin "Scott" Miller stepped down. His timing is interesting - in the coming weeks the disaster that is the US withdrawal from Afghanistan will become headline news and obviously he does not want to be associated to any of that. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57809533