  • verified_user

Update: If you think you tried everything.... maybe check if your dad has put the LAN Cable in the right port I feel like a fucking idiot... You are allowed to laugh as loud as you can Because this is SO stupidly simple that I didn't think of this XD

  • verified_user

Hey guys, a little update from me. Seems like I can't connect my PC to the internet via LAN Cable at my dad's house and since my PC also has no way to access Wifi there is no way I can do commissions right now. However, if you want a commission and can be patient I will get back to you as soon as this PC can access the internet again... However I will manage to do that. Also thank you guys for all the support and the tears I laughed reading the comments of all those little wannabe haters for not reading my post correctly. That shit is hilarious XD

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