Susan Wojcicki is a Podesta Asset. Podesta is on the Google Board of Directors. Susan Wojicki is the CEO of YouTube. Google Owns YouTube. Are you seeing the pattern? #DONOTPOSTLINKS

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#HomeEducate Teachers are responsible for poor Education & Indoctrination. Look online for local help groups. You can do a better job and your children will not be brainwashed by left wing activists. Decent teachers. This is also an opportunity for you to become self employed. #DONOTPOSTLINKS

More from ........MnM.........Common Sense Advocate

#HomeEducate Teachers are responsible for poor Education & Indoctrination. Look online for local help groups. You can do a better job and your children will not be brainwashed by left wing activists. Decent teachers. This is also an opportunity for you to become self employed. #DONOTPOSTLINKS