One of America’s most secret intelligence agency Deagel forecasts in its latest report, the depopulation of the world because of the COVID-19 crisis and the Great Reset. Deagel states that the formerly known as second and third world nations are an unknown at this point. Their...See more

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Activist American judges have seized on mask violations as a flimsy justification for denying parents custody of their children. NBC ran a story in April 2020 about a doctor in Florida who was not allowed by court to see her children as her job posed a COVID risk to them:

In his own words and through the years, Bill Gates has admitted his goal is to reduce population growth, focusing on vaccines, abortion and control of health care:

We have reached the tipping point where covid tyranny has become a crime against humanity. It’s no longer about protecting “public health” — and it never was, of course — it’s now about enslaving and exterminating as many human beings as possible under the cover of...See more

More from HumansAreFree

Activist American judges have seized on mask violations as a flimsy justification for denying parents custody of their children. NBC ran a story in April 2020 about a doctor in Florida who was not allowed by court to see her children as her job posed a COVID risk to them:

In his own words and through the years, Bill Gates has admitted his goal is to reduce population growth, focusing on vaccines, abortion and control of health care:

We have reached the tipping point where covid tyranny has become a crime against humanity. It’s no longer about protecting “public health” — and it never was, of course — it’s now about enslaving and exterminating as many human beings as possible under the cover of...See more