Unlimited, Centralized Power: "In All Cases Whatsoever"

Of all the Acts of Parliament that angered the American colonists and led to the Revolutionary War, the Declaratory Act is possibly one of the most important, but probably the least-known. It attempted to affirm unlimited, centralized power over the colonies, and patriots...See more


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Yesterday, the Arkansas Senate passed a bill that would create a mechanism to review presidential executive orders and end state cooperation with enforcement of certain EOs determined to violate the U.S. Constitution. This process could set the stage to nullify some executive...See more

We're on board with Patrick Henry. Consolidation - centralization of power - is the greatest threat to liberty. #warning #founders #constitution #10thAmendment #libertarian

This will not end well. Prior to last year’s stimulus-fueled $3.13 trillion deficit, the U.S. government had only run annual deficits over $1 trillion four times, all during the Great Recession. The Trump/Biden administrations have now managed to do it in just five months. The...See more

More from TenthAmendmentCenter

Yesterday, the Arkansas Senate passed a bill that would create a mechanism to review presidential executive orders and end state cooperation with enforcement of certain EOs determined to violate the U.S. Constitution. This process could set the stage to nullify some executive...See more

We're on board with Patrick Henry. Consolidation - centralization of power - is the greatest threat to liberty. #warning #founders #constitution #10thAmendment #libertarian

This will not end well. Prior to last year’s stimulus-fueled $3.13 trillion deficit, the U.S. government had only run annual deficits over $1 trillion four times, all during the Great Recession. The Trump/Biden administrations have now managed to do it in just five months. The...See more